Automatisation Intelligente

Optimisez votre service client avec nos assistants vocaux pour des interactions automatisées et rentables.

Automatisation Intelligente

Développez des assistants vocaux pour interagir avec vos clients et optimiser votre business efficacement.

Réduction des Coûts

Économisez sur les salaires tout en offrant un service client disponible 24/7 sans effort supplémentaire.

A conference room setting with several laptops on a large table, each being used by a person. A large screen displays a blue interface with the text 'Generate ad creatives from any website with AI'. A stainless steel water bottle and a conference phone are also visible on the table.
A conference room setting with several laptops on a large table, each being used by a person. A large screen displays a blue interface with the text 'Generate ad creatives from any website with AI'. A stainless steel water bottle and a conference phone are also visible on the table.
Optimisation des Rendez-vous

Automatisez le booking de rendez-vous pour réduire les no-show et les appels manqués efficacement.

Améliorez votre relation client avec des solutions d'automatisation adaptées à vos besoins spécifiques.

Relation Client Automatisée
A humanoid robot stands on the tiled floor near a bright green wall that displays a sign for the Goethe-Institut along with its opening hours. A sanitizer dispenser is mounted on a stand near the robot.
A humanoid robot stands on the tiled floor near a bright green wall that displays a sign for the Goethe-Institut along with its opening hours. A sanitizer dispenser is mounted on a stand near the robot.
A humanoid robot with a white head and realistic design is seated on a wooden bench indoors. The robot appears to be engaging with a tablet device. Behind the bench, a large window provides a view of a grassy outdoor area with what looks like an art installation or seating arrangement.
A humanoid robot with a white head and realistic design is seated on a wooden bench indoors. The robot appears to be engaging with a tablet device. Behind the bench, a large window provides a view of a grassy outdoor area with what looks like an art installation or seating arrangement.

Grâce à Frenchia, notre service client est désormais disponible 24/7. Les automatisations ont réduit nos coûts et augmenté notre chiffre d'affaires. Une solution incontournable !

Jean Dupont

A humanoid robot stands on a shiny tiled floor in a hallway next to a blue cube with the text 'Goethe Institut' printed on it. The background features a glass door and walls in white and orange colors.
A humanoid robot stands on a shiny tiled floor in a hallway next to a blue cube with the text 'Goethe Institut' printed on it. The background features a glass door and walls in white and orange colors.
